Research Areas

The major research areas of the department are closely linked to the three scientific areas that underlie our structure, namely, Linguistics (or Language Sciences), Literary Sciences and Cultural Sciences. The teaching staff of the department have done research in these areas in subjects as diverse as Gender and Women’s Studies, Performative and Theatre Studies, Cultural and Transcultural Studies, Film Studies, Adaptation Studies and Interart Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Travel Literature, among many others. For a more detailed understanding of the research that has been carried out by the faculty of the department, we recommend reading their profiles on the website of the Centre for Humanistic Studies, which is the research centre in which our faculty are affiliated.

Members of the Department are also linked to research groups at the Center for Humanistic Studies, where they develop a fairly good part of their research. The research groups where faculty of DEINA participate include:

Contart – Mutation and Migration in Contemporary Narratives: tale, microfiction and transmedia

GAPS – Gender, Art and Postcolonial Studies

INTCULTPOET – Cross Cultural Poetics: Literary figurations of the Other – Portuguese and Anglo-American

LA – Applied Linguistics

LTE – Experimental and Theoretical Linguistics

NETCult – Centre for Transcultural Studies